Ford Pickup & Delivery

Let us pick up and return your vehicle when it needs service.* It’s part of You Mode. The convenience of owning a Ford. Made just for you.

Schedule Service
Icon drawing of a car in front of house with arrow pointing away

We’ll pick it up.

Icon drawing of a wrench over a gear with arrow pointing away

We’ll service it.

Icon drawing of key fob above a hand

We’ll drop it off.

Frequently Asked Questions

a Ford Pickup & Delivery is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, distance, or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair changes. A nonoperational vehicle is not eligible and will require a Roadside event.

Ford Pickup & Delivery is offered by participating dealers and may be limited based on availability, distance, or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair charges. A nonoperational vehicle is not eligible and will require a Roadside event.